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Where, with new eyes, souls — free of Death and Fear —
In range incomprehensible, and ray
Of that concentral 8un whereby Suns gleam.

كلمات الاغنية

The "glory of the Lord" around each head,
A light not moon-glow, nor the grey of Night
Nor lightning-flash, nor lit like any light
By earthly sense beheld, but fetched from beam

Where, with new eyes, souls — free of Death and Fear —
In range incomprehensible, and ray
Of that concentral 8un whereby Suns gleam.
Which kindles spheres, and has for dusk full Noon,

Shining behind the past Sun and Moon, And making hyaline of icther clear
Of limitless illumine, see always Authentic Being ;
outside Life's close bars, By Life's light blotted, as at noon tlie stars.

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